Arusha National Park

Day Trip
Arusha National Park covers Mount Meru, a prominent volcano with an elevation of 4566 m, in the Arusha Region of north eastern Tanzania. The park is small but varied with spectacular landscapes in three distinct areas. In the west, the Meru Crater funnels the Jekukumia River; the peak of Mount Meru lies on its rim. Ngurdoto Crater in the south-east is grassland. The shallow alkaline Momella Lakes in the north-east have varying algal colours and are known for their wading birds. 


Moshi or Arusha – Arusha National Park In the morning, we will pick you from your hotel in Moshi or Arusha and take you to Arusha National Park. The park has an incredible variety of fauna and flora, which cannot fail to impress. Hollywood also chose this region to film the movie “Hatari” in which Hardy Kruger starred alongside the legendary John Wayne. Your day trip will include a visit to the Ngurdo Crater. Buffaloes, waterbucks, giraffes, warthogs, zebras and baboons can be seen all year round as well as many different bird species. At the Momella Gate, an armed ranger will be waiting for you to accompany you on your walking safari that will give you the chance to experience the wildlife up-close.

Only a few other national parks in Tanzania give you such an opportunity and it is something that should not be missed. Lunch will be taken at a picnic place closely lake both lakes small and big momella lake in the afternoon, you will continue your tour in the safari vehicle through the Arusha National Park. After plenty of time allocated for you to observe the wildlife, we will take you back to Arusha or Moshi for overnight.

Price Include

- National parks gate fee.
- Hut or camping fees.
- All 3 meals a day while on Safari.
- Two nights Accommodations in Moshi bed and breakfast, double or triple occupancy.
- Certified, experienced, English-speaking guides for safari.
- Rescue fees.(required by national park)
- First aid kit.
- Cooking equipment, and eating utensils.

Price Exclude

- Extras at the lodges i.e. drinks, telephone, laundry etc.
- International and internal flight
- Tips(guides and porters) – recommended.
- Extra activities.