Kikuletwa Hot Springs

Day Trip
Kikuletwa Hot Springs is one of Tanzania’s mostly concealed trinkets! A superb natural pool smacking away from the twisting fig trees overthe middle of grimy scenery, this little oasis is the faultles splace forun wind after your safari or mountain climb.

On perfect day, visitors might be able to experience gorgeous views of Mt. Kilimanjaro! Situated from the Sanya plains, the hot springs are of alittle drive off from the main road among Arusha and Moshi. However trips over Kilimanjaro region are incomplete when visitors taking no,a dip over Kikuletwa hot spring wonders!


Soon after breakfast, youwillbepicked upfrom your hotel in Moshi/Arusha at about8.40Am,and drives youtowardsSanya village where you will explore the magical Kikuletwa Hotsprings beforedrive you back around 4.30Pm in the evening.
While at a place before departure, you can do a coupleof activities including:
Enjoy the beauty of naturalhot bath
Have a picnic lunch
Go for a body massage
Learn the history of the place and its culture practices etc.

Price Include

- National parks gate fee.
- Hut or camping fees.
- All 3 meals a day while on Safari.
- Two nights Accommodations in Moshi bed and breakfast, double or triple occupancy.
- Certified, experienced, English-speaking guides for safari.
- Rescue fees.(required by national park)
- First aid kit.
- Cooking equipment, and eating utensils.

Price Exclude

- Extras at the lodges i.e. drinks, telephone, laundry etc.
- International and internal flight
- Tips(guides and porters) – recommended.
- Extra activities.