7 Days Luxury Safari


This 7-days Safari is well designed to meet a full luxury safari standard with all kind of Africa Safari test. You will be staying at quality, environmentally friend accommodation with 5-stars rate while in the mid of jungle. You will visit both Serengeti and Ngorongoro the most famous parks of Tanzania and Africa Safari. The game drive is at private safari jeep with full air condition, charging system and fridge for cold drinks while in the game. You will enjoy a delicious hot meal at all the time you will be with us. 


DAY 0:
You will be picked up at the Kilimanjaro International Airport and transferred to Arusha town, at Masailand hotel. You will meet your driver guide who will brief you on your upcoming safaris, then rest until the next day morning.

After breakfast you will be picked up from your hotel in Arusha and transfer to Arusha airport for your small chattered flight to North Serengeti. On your arrival to Kogatende airstrip, our professional Safari guide and proceed to a game drive in the wilderness tracking the Great migration trails. In the evening, drive to the lodge for evening leisure and overnight. Witness a million of wildebeests, each one driven by the same ancient rhythm, fulfilling its instinctive role in the inescapable cycle of life: a frenzied three-week bout of territorial conquests and mating; survival of the fittest as 40km (25 miles) long columns plunge through crocodile-infested waters on the annual exodus north.
Lunch, Dinner and overnight at Mara mara Tented Lodge

Spend a full day in north Serengeti mostly exploring the Migration, if you have Hot Air balloon will be arranged in one of these two days here. The North Serengeti both Wagakuria and Kogatende area are prime area to track wildlife migration from July to October as it turns the paradise corridor for wildebeest and Zebras to cross between Masai mara Conservation and Serengeti National Park. The symbolic feature here is the Mara River of which crocodile and hippos lives together on respect to one another but turns uncommon to see the herds cross the Mara River north on one day and then back south a few days later with lots of life loss in this river due to crocs attacks.
Lunch, Dinner and overnight at Mara Mara Tented Lodge

After breakfast, you will be heading to central Serengeti with game drives en route, you will reach at central in lunch time and go straight to your lodge for hot lunch, rest for a while then later proceed to with game drive until evening when you return to your lodge for dinner and overnight. Serengeti central is always an epic center for both resident and migratory animals. You will venture to various places so central Serengeti while enjoying the stunning view of southern plains. All big five and other animals are easily spotted here including, Elephants, Giraffes, Zebras, wildebeest, lions, leopards, cheetah, buffaloes, warthogs, waterbucks, eland, topi, kongoni, impala and Grant’s gazelle and so many others. The Serengeti is also a home for over 600 species of bird.
Lunch, Dinner and overnight at Kubu Kubu Tented Lodge

The entire day is dedicated to game viewing in the Serengeti National Park. The areas that you visit will depend upon where the migrating herds are. Predators usually follow closely behind the trekking animals and include lions, leopards (in the acacia trees) and cheetahs. During the short rainy season in November and December the herds move from the hills in the north to the plains in the south. During the longer rainy season from April to June they return up north. As the migration is completely dependent on the yearly rainfalls, the location of the herds may vary from one year to another although, your guide will know where to locate the animals and where to see them best.
Lunch, Dinner and overnight at Kubu Kubu Tented Lodge

On your outward journey to the park gate, you will enjoy some more game viewing before you leave the Serengeti National Park in the early afternoon to continue your journey to the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. On the way you can see the Maasai boma and experience their lifestyle. You will reach your lodge at time for lunch.
Lunch, Dinner and overnight at Ngorongoro Sopa Lodge

After breakfast you will descend 600m down the crater for game drive. The massive collapsed volcano is home to over 25,000 mammals ranging from the Big Five – lion, elephant, buffalo, rhino, and leopard – to spotted hyenas, rare warthogs, and some of the more than 500 bird species of the area. After an extensive game drive and a picnic for lunch at hippo pool, you will leave the crater in the late afternoon and drive to Arusha town to end up your tour.
Accommodation: Arusha/Moshi

Price Include

- National parks gate fee.
- Hut or campaning fees.
- All 3 meals a day while on Safari.
- Two nights Accommodations in Moshi bed and breakfast, double or triple occupancy.
- Certified, experienced,English-speaking guides for safari.
- Rescue fees.(required by natinal park)
- First aid kit.
- Cooking equipment, and eating utensils.

Price Exclude

- Extras at the lodges i.e. drinks, telephone, laundry etc.
- International and internal flight
- Tips(guides and porters) – recommended.
- Extra activities.

1 Person


2-4 People


5-6 People
