Mount Kilimanjaro


The Rongai Route is one of the easiest routes and the success rate is very high. The route starts on the north side of the mountain just south of the Kenyan border, and is one of the least travelled routes. The descent is down the Marangu Route on the south side of the mountain, so climbers see the mountain from many view points. The drive to the trailhead takes 4-5 hours through many villages and coffee plantations. 


Day 0: Moshi 815m/670ft
Booked into your hotel in Moshi or Arusha for overnight and briefing from your guide.

Day 1: Rongai Simba Camp (2,600 m)
After completing the necessary registration formalities at Marangu National Park gate, the porters and guides will be ready and go back to the car drive to Rongai gate. The climb begins from Nale Moru (1,950 m) on a small path treks through the fields of maize and potatoes before entering pine forest. Starts to climb consistently, but gently through attractive forest that shelters a variety of wildlife, including the beautiful Kilimanjaro Colobus monkey. These monkeys are black with a long ‘cape’ of white hair and a flowing white tail. The forest begins to thin out and the first camp is at the edge of the moorland zone, Rongai One Camp (2,600 m) with extensive views over the Kenyan plains.

Day 2: Kikelewa Caves (3.600 m)
we now leave the main trail and strike out across the moorland on a smaller path towards the jagged peaks of Mawenzi. Our campsite is in a sheltered valley with giant senecios near Kikelewa Caves (3.600 m). After lunch, there is time to explore the valley or to rest.

Day 3: Mawenzi Tarn hut (4,330m)
A short but steep climb is rewarded by superb all round views and a tangible sense of wilderness. We leave vegetation behind shortly before reaching the next camp at Mawenzi Tarn hut (4,330m), spectacularly situated in a cirque directly beneath the towering spires of Mawenzi. The afternoon will be free to rest or explore the surrounding area as an aid to acclimatisation.

Day 4: Kibo campsite (4,700m)
We cross the lunar desert of the ‘Saddle’ between Mawenzi and Kibo to reach Kibo campsite (4,700m) at the bottom of the Kibo crater wall. You will meet other people from Marangu route who will be staying in the hut. The remainder of the day is spend resting in preparation for the final ascent before a very early night.

Day 5: Horombo Hut (3,720 m)
we will start the final, and by far the steepest and most demanding, part of the climb by torchlight around 1 a.m. We plod very slowly in the darkness on a switchback trail through loose volcanic scree to reach the crater rim at Gillman’s Point (5,685 m) we will rest there for a short time to enjoy the spectacular sunrise over Mawenzi. Those who are still feeling strong can continue to the next two peaks Stella point and Uhuru Peak (5,896 m), passing close to the spectacular glaciers and ice cliffs which surrounding most of the summit area. The descent to Kibo (4,700 m) is surprisingly fast in which you will have hot soup, juice for refreshment, we continue the descent to reach our final campsite at Horombo (3,720 m).

Day 6: Horombo Hut at Marangu gate(1,830 m)
After breakfast you will celebrate with you team for Kilimanjaro song, jambo song then descent down through moorland to Mandara Hut (2,700m), the first stopping place at the Marangu route. We continue descending through lovely lush forest on a good path to the National Park gate at Marangu (1,830 m). 

Price Include

- National parks gate fee.
- Hut or camping fees.
- All 3 meals a day while on Safari.
- Two nights Accommodations in Moshi bed and breakfast, double or triple occupancy.
- Certified, experienced, English-speaking guides for safari.
- Rescue fees.(required by national park)
- First aid kit.
- Cooking equipment, and eating utensils.

Price Exclude

- Extras at the lodges i.e. drinks, telephone, laundry etc.
- International and internal flight
- Tips(guides and porters) – recommended.
- Extra activities.

1 Person


2-4 People


5-10 People


11+ People
