24 days Trekking, Tarangire ,Serengeti Ngorongoro & Zanzibar


Mt.Kilimanjaro Trekking Hike to Kilimanjaro Lemosho Route) – Lemosho route is traditionally one of the quieter and lesser-known routes on the mountain. It will take up to nine days 5895asl’meters from sea level, through the Lemosho valleys and hills, after this you will travel for six days if you see wild animals such as lions, leopards, antelopes, elephants, buffaloes, rhinos, you will see beautiful scenery in every corner of the forest. it will be a wonderful and wonderful trip, after that we will go to Zanzibar to rest after a long visit to Kilimanjaro and the wild, you will get a relaxing break from the island of Zanzibar (clove ointment), it will be a very wonderful trip, welcome to share experience with us #africanholidaysafari.


ARRIVAL DAY: Moshi 815m/670ft

Pick up from Kilimanjaro international airport Booked into your hotel in Moshi (KEYS HOTEL) for overnight and briefing from your guide.

Day 1: Momella gate (1500m) to Miriakamba (2500m)
Visitors spend the first night at Miriakamba at (2500m) from the Momella gate Miriakamba they are two routes southern and Northern routes. Southern road takes about 5 hours walk to from Momella gate to Miriakamba hut. Through this route visitors can have chance to see almost all mammals found in the forest. Therefore you can see a lot of birds including birds of prey. It’s possible to see several species of butterflies such of Mocker Swallow tailed, Soldier commodores, blue Swallow tailed, Golden winged forester, Mother of pearl, etc.
Northern route: Takes between 3-4 hours from Momella gate to Miriakamba. This is a shorter and steeper route. Along the way you can have the great views of Mt Kilimanjaro and Momella lakes are spectacular. Common mammals along this route are Cape buffalo. Maasai giraffe, Warthogs, Bushbuck etc. Present birds are Hartlaubs turaco, white fronted Bee Eaters, fiscal shrike, tropical Boubou, stone chat, variable sun birds olive pigeon. Dinner and overnight at Miriakamba hut.

Day 2: Miriakamba to Saddle (2500mt) to (3500mt)
It takes 3-4 hours. Along this portion of the route the visitors do enjoy the spectacular views of Mt. Kilimanjaro. Momella lakes. Meru crater, Ashcone, Mt Meru cliff and the little Meru. Through the forest. Common animals include Buffalo, Bushbuck and black and white Colobus.
Attractive wild flower such as Empetient species,Red hot pocker, Orchids, fire ball, lily. Shrubs are Erica arboreas, Stoebe Kilimandscharica and etc. The trail takes the visitors through striking tree species such as Hygenium abyssinica, and podacarpus. You will arrive at noon time here you will have lunch and start the ascend the little Meru is possible even during the afternoon. After a little Meru you will be back to Saddle for dinner and overnight.

Day 3:Saddle to Summit
Takes about 5-6 hours. The start for the Summit is done early in the morning.this is the place where visitors enjoy the most views of Mt Kilimanjaro little Meru ,Meru crater ,Achcone. Momella lakes, Cliff face Meru Summit Ngorongoro crater highlands, Arusha city sunrise and sunset Klipspringers and mountain Reedbucks are seen over rocks. Birds like white necked raven, Bearded vultures, stone chat, cliff chat, Alpine swift can be seen in this higher elevations. While walking along the trail to Saddle it is possible to step on wild flowers like Alchemilla Helocysum, and iris flowers. After reaching the Summit at 4566MT you will walk all the way down back to Saddle for the lunch and a bit sleep then you will processed to the Miriakamba for dinner and overnight.

Day 4:Miriakamba to Momella gate
For those who walked up through the shorter route will take the longer route while going down is not advisable. Please take your time to enjoy scenic beauty as well as occasional sightings of the game. At the gate you will find your porters and the transfer car waiting for you: drive back to your hotel for the shower and relaxing prepare for the next climb to mountain Kilimanjaro or safari to Serengeti or ngorongoro crater.

Day 5: To Mti Mkubwa Camp
-2250m to 2790m/7380ft to 9160ft
-About 2.5 miles/3-4 hours
After breakfast and briefing, drive to Londorossi Park Gate (2250m 7380ft, 2.5 hours). From here a forest track requiring a 4WD vehicle leads to Lemosho Glades (2390m / 7830ft, I Ikm, 45 minutes) and a possible campsite (park fees are not paid to camp here). Walk along forest trails to Mti Mkubwa (big tree) campsite.

Day 6: Mti Mkubwa Camp To Shira 1 Camp 2750m to 3500m
-9160ft to 1 1,500ft
-About 5.5 miles/5-6 hours
After breakfast, we continue as the trail gradually steepens and enters the giant heather moorland zone. Several streams are crossed then it gains the Shira Ridge at about 3600m 1 1,810ft and drops gently down to Shira I camp located by a stream on the Shira Plateau.

-Distance: 7km/4miles and 7km/4miles
-Hiking Time: 3-4 hours and 2-3 hours
-Eleven: 12,500 ft to 15,190ft to 13,580 ft
-Habitat: Alpine Desert
The trek on this is long heading east which passes through the ‘Garden of the Senecios’ and then enters the high alpine desert zone. The morning is spent trekking up to Lava Tower and the iconic Shark’s Tooth rock formation at 4,600 meters, where you will have lunch. After lunch you will join the northern circuit heading down to Moir Camp at 4,200 meters (see map above). This is an important day in your trek as you will get to experience high altitude and then sleep low, which is good for the acclimatization process.

-3500m to 3850m/11,500ft to 12,600ft
-About 2 hours
After breakfast, a gentle walk across the plateau leads to Shira 2 camp on moorland meadows by a stream. A variety of walks are available on the Plateau making this an excellent acclimatization day.

Day 9:To Barranco Hut
-3840m to 3860m/12,600ft to 12,700ft
-About 5-6 hours
From the Shira Plateau, we continue to the east, passing the junction towards the peak of Kibo. As we continue, our direction changes to the South East towards the Lava Tower, called the "Shark's Tooth." Shortly after the tower, we come to the second junction which brings us up to the Arrow Glacier at an altitude of 4876 meters / 15,997 ft. We now continue down to the Barranco Hut at an altitude of 3860 meters / 12,664 ft. Here we rest, enjoy dinner, and overnight. Although you end the day at the same elevation as when you started, this day is very important for acclimatization and will help your body prepare for summit day.

Day 10: To Karanga Hut
-3860m to 4200m/12,700ft to 13,800ft
-About 3-4 hours
After breakfast, we leave Barranco and continue on a steep ridge passing the Barranco Wall, to the Karanga Valley (4200m / 13,780 ft) campsite.

Day 11:To Barafu Hut
-4200m to 4600m/13,800ft to 15,100ft
-About 3-4 hours
After breakfast, we leave the Karanga Valley and pass the junction which connects with the Mweka Trail. We continue to the Barafu Hut, which is located ant an altitude of 4600 meters (15,092 ft). You have completed the South Circuit, which offers views of the summit from many different angles. Here we make camp, rest, enjoy dinner, and prepare for the summit day. The two peaks of Mawenzi and Kibo are to be seen from this position.

Day 12:To Summit and Mweka Hut
-4600m to 5895m/(and down to 3 100m)
-15,100ft to 19,300ft(and down to 10,200ft)
-About 7-8 hours up
-4-5 hours down
Early morning, we continue our way to the summit of Uhuru Peak at 5985 meters (19,636 ft). This part of the climb takes about 6 hours. It can be very cold at night at these elevations, but it will be quite warm by the end of the hiking day. You will want clothing for both extremes with you. At Uhuru Peak, we have reached the highest point on Mount Kilimanjaro and the continent of Africa. Faster hikers will see the sunrise from the summit. From the summit, we now make our descent continuing straight down to the Mweka Hut camp site at 3100 meters (10,171 ft). This part of the descent takes about 5 hours. You will want gaiters and trekking poles for the loose gravel going down. Later in the evening, we enjoy our last dinner on the mountain and a well-earned sleep. Beer and soda may be available for purchase at the Mweka Hut -- the only place on this route.

Day 13: To Moshi
-3100m to 1680m/10,200ft to 5500ft
-About 4-5 hours
After breakfast, we continue the descent down to the Mweka Park Gate. At lower elevations, it can be wet and muddy. Gaiters and trekking poles will help. Shorts and t-shirts will probably be plenty to wear (keep rain gear and warmer clothing handy). A

Non game-viewing travel time: 1:40hours
Distance: 110.33km
After a breakfast, your drive will be at your hotel ready to take approximate 2-hour drive to Tarangire National Park. Giant baobab trees, bush savannah and the seasonal marshes add to the wonder of this nature reserve. The Tarangire National Park is considered as one of the best places to view elephants up close. The park is also home to buffaloes, zebras and wildebeests which are always closely followed by a range of predators such as lions. Leopards are seen now and then but cheetahs are rarely spotted. From the open roof of the safari vehicle you will be able to absorb the landscape and watch the animals. In the evening you reach your lodge inside the park.
Dinner and overnight at Baobab Camp in Tarangire.

After breakfast you will travel from the Tarangire Area to the Lake Manyara National Park.
The park is known for its over 400 bird species, primate-filled forests, and grassy plains. A large area of the park is covered by the alkaline Lake Manyara, the seasonal breeding grounds for large number of flamingos and many more waterfowls. The park is also home to giraffes, elephant, zebras, Buffaloes, hippos, wildebeests, impalas and groups of noisy monkeys and baboons. After an extensive game drive, you will exit the park and drive to your lodge for overnight.
Dinner and overnight at Marera Lodge

After breakfast, you will travel via the cooler highlands towards the southern Serengeti and at midday you will reach the plains of the Serengeti National Park. This park is the largest in Tanzania and has a diversity of habitats and landscapes – short grass plains, savannah, thick bush, swamps, and lakes. Bizarre rock formations called kopjes dot the grassy landscape where predators are often seen. The Serengeti is famous for the yearly migration when hundreds of thousands of wildebeests and zebras trek to find fresh grass and water.
Dinner and overnight at Embalakai Tented Camps.

The entire day is dedicated to game viewing in the Serengeti National Park. The areas that you visit will depend upon where the migrating herds are. Predators usually follow closely behind the trekking animals and include lions, leopards (in the acacia trees) and cheetahs. During the short rainy season in November and December the herds move from the hills in the north to the plains in the south. During the longer rainy season from April to June they return up north. As the migration is completely dependent on the yearly rainfalls, the location of the herds may vary from one year to another although, your guide will know where to locate the animals and where to see them best.
Dinner and overnight at soronera tented camp.

On your outward journey to the park gate, you will enjoy some more game viewing before you leave the Serengeti National Park in the early afternoon to continue your journey to the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. On the way you can see the Maasai boma and experience their lifestyle. You will reach your lodge at time for lunch.
Dinner and overnight at Ngorongoro Rhino Lodge

After breakfast you will descend/ DEPARTURE DATE
Today you may have a plan to fly home or have a flight to Zanzibar, our vehicle will be ready to take you to the airport at perfect time

You will be met by our office representative at the Zanzibar Airport or Harbor to Tausi Hotel which will be arranged for you. The hotel is in the heart of Stone Town. The hotel is bed and breakfast.

Today after breakfast you will be picked up by our guide and head to Fumba village. The tour will start at 9am from the Fumba Beach to Kwale Island and return to Fumba beach around 3:30 pm. It’s an experience of its nature and unique you should not miss if you are in Zanzibar. You will share a traditional Dhow from Fumba beach to Kwale Island, where you will visit magnificent natural Mangrove Lagoon which only found in Kwale Island. You will also get an opportunity to witness a natural sandbank occurring with an amazing swimming around a natural blue water. You will be eating a true natural sea food cooked very traditionally. After lunch you will head to Fuba village then to Stone tow.
Accommodation: Tausi Hotel
Meal: Bed and breakfast

Morning after breakfast, you will be met by our guide who will guide you to Stone town tour. The Old stone town is part of Zanzibar city which was declared as world heritage side by UNESCO since 2000. With your guide you will walk on the footsteps of old town across the dilapidated building of Zanzibar, exploring the wonderful labyrinths of Zanzibar and most historical sites including the house of wonders (national museums), old fort, old slave market, fruits and fish market, spice market, bazaar, streets, Zanzibar curved door and their roles. Today you will experience local lunch on the street of Stone town. After lunch you will travel to north at Ngungwi beach.
Accommodation: Aman Beach Bungalow Hotel
Meal: Bed and breakfast

You will spend and relax the rest of your time at this finest beach of Zanzibar. Nungwi is considered as the nice and fines beach of Zanzibar. Spending a time here will always worth your time and value for money. It time to rest and relax and forget the rest of hassling.
Hotel: Bed and breakfast basis.

Today you will depend on your flight time. If you have a time, you can still enjoy the beach until your perfect time to be picked up. Our drive will pick you on time and head to airport for your flight back home. 

Price Include

- National parks gate fee.
- Hut or campaning fees.
- All 3 meals a day while on Safari.
- Two nights Accommodations in Moshi bed and breakfast, double or triple occupancy.
- Certified, experienced,English-speaking guides for safari.
- Rescue fees.(required by natinal park)
- First aid kit.
- Cooking equipment, and eating utensils.

Price Exclude

- Extras at the lodges i.e. drinks, telephone, laundry etc.
- International and internal flight
- Tips(guides and porters) – recommended.
- Extra activities.

1 Person


2-4 People


5-6 People
